Monday, June 16, 2008

Rockers to go unplugged?

They call it Dark Earth Hour.

No, it's not a really cool, really short Death Metal festival.

The Green Party O' Michigan (sounds Irish) is asking folks to unplug for one hour, from 9-10 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

How horrific. Rock 'N' Roll requires electricity.

Seriously, (still) I thought the first-annual Earth Hour last year was a crock. One hour without power. Ooooh. What a sacrifice!

What we need to do is concentrate, every day, on promoting energy efficiency and new technology and new power sources, like wind and solar (even nuclear, not a misprint) to meet our energy needs.

In the meantime, here's a recipe for a solar amplifier. Better than going acoustic, unless you're talking about the fine volumes of VH1's Metal Mania Stripped. Definitely worth checking out.

- GM

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